Birdbath Fountain

Birdbath Fountain

I saw this fountain at Walmart ($8) and I thought it would make a simple fountain.  I took four "Blucky" skeleton skulls ($1 each) and one nicer skeleton ($3) on the top.  I added four small candy dispenser skulls (6 for $3) and some miscellaneous blown plastic bones ($3).  The Mud coating cost $6.  I have a new fountain for about $26.  Granted that I have enough leftover mud to do my other fountain.

The thing to remember is that the only thing I bought for this project was the Mud and the fountain both totaling $14.  The rest of the items were leftovers that just laid on the ground around tombstones or skulls that floated in the fountain pond.

We covered the whole thing with Monster Mud made using Exterior Plaster and misc paints added for color.  You brush this Exterior Monster Mud on with a brush and then dab it to make it look like concrete.

We will fill this with water,  add some glow in the dark paint to the water, mix and then take one of those glow sticks you bend and the necklaces you get for your kids at fairs and put it into the water.  The water will glow like a radioactive pool.

I wish I had one of those little fog generators that would be totally cool for this prop. I come!

Original author: Tony Shutters
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